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June 10, 2005

Ocean Red Tides Portend Ecosystem Collapse

One with a bit of ecological intuition can see signs of global ecosystem collapse all around. The red tides hitting North Eastern United States are the direct result of poor land and ocean management for centuries, which exacerbate normal ocean cycles. The region's clams are the canaries in the coal mine. Oceans are in poor shape - particulary coastal zones - as they have been treated as waste dumps and a resource to be mined indiscrimately. The critical zone where land meets sea has been devasted just about everywhere. What happens when ocean dead zones encompass the globe?

Red tide puts strain on Northeast

New England is facing its largest red tide in decades. The naturally occurring algae, called Alexandrium, contaminates clams, oysters, and other mollusks that filter seawater for nutrients and can cause illness in humans who consume the shellfish.


I live in Florida, on St. Pete Beach, Pass-a-Grille. The once beautiful blue-green aquamarine water is now reddish brown, and all the Tarpon and Snook have gone. I went to a favorite fishing hole at Ft. Desoto the other morning. A week ago I was catching five trout, this morning the trout were floating face up in the water. For a fisherman, it's terrible!

I was at seal beach california i coulnt believe the way the water looked i was concerned about my son going in it. it was all red and brown it looked real ugly and dirty someone told me it was red tide i never heard of it so i decieded to look it up thanks for the info debbie

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