NEW! All Link Collections Now RSS/XML Enabled
All of Ecological Internet's environmental web portal now have link collections that feature the ability to download and/or view a given category's listings in RSS/XML format. Here is an example of the ClimateArk's Global Warming category - note the "View as RSS/XML" option on the dark horizontal menu bar on the top of the page. Users will now be able to download links on a given topic for their later use.
A RSS feed is generally not read in a web browser like a web page. Rather a special piece of software called a "News Aggregator" is used, allowing multiple RSS feeds to be integrated in an easy fashion. Aggregators are widely available for download on the Internet. Here is more information on Ecological Internet's News Syndication Services. With this new offering, Ecological Internet again demonstrates its commitment to pioneering new environmental information distribution mechanisms on the Internet.