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October 12, 2005

The Fall of Greenpeace

The following article captures well the disintegration of Greenpeace, as it is no longer a leading people's voice for ecology, but rather has emerged as just another bloated, compromised environmental corporation. I canvassed for GP in the late 1980s, and it was a magical organization offering hope for radical change. Now its campaigns are tepid and compromising, for example supporting industrial logging in ancient rainforests if it is "certified". It's Greenpeace's current corporate leadership which has become certifiably insane. In our own small way Ecological Internet tries to capture some of Greenpeace of old's magic, campaigning for solutions to ecological issues that are sufficient to solve the problems, rather than just tinkering around the edges of environmental and social injustices like Greenpeace and other big mainstream groups.

Greenpeace has fallen. Others must emerge if the Earth and her humanity are to be saved.

Independent Online Edition >Greenpeace at war

Where did it all go wrong with Greenpeace? For, make no mistake, the effectiveness of what was once the world's leading environmental organisation - with the power to bend governments and force corporations to bend to its will - has been in freefall over many years, in direct relation to an inner moral decline. Today, while Greenpeace is an environmental organisation, it is not an ecological one... As the world's ecological situation gets increasingly desperate and in need of the hope, possibilities and radical suggestions Greenpeace might once have given, the group is now utterly moribund.


Since when did Greenpeace promote the logging of ancient forest? This is BS!

This article is also a pile of unsubstantiated and baseless claims about current Greenpeace managment and campaigns.

Dr. Barry, you clearly don't know much about how Greenpeace is working since you left and claiming that this organisation has "fallen" is nothing more than a joke.

RESPONSE: Greenpeace is an active supporter of industrial certified forestry in both Canada's ancient temperate rainforests and Brazil's ancient Amazon rainforests. There and elsewhere they are major proponents of FSC certified logging of ancient forests, apparently reasoning that good logging is better than possible deforestation. Such a policy is simplistic, defeatist and legitimates logging the last ancient forests. This is fact. g.b.

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