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Empowering the Environmental Sustainability Movement

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Support EcoEarth.Info

Ecological Internet, Inc. is a non-profit organization that specializes in the use of the Internet to achieve conservation outcomes. The EcoEarth.Info, Climate Ark,, Ocean Conserve, Water Conserve and Rainforest Portal web portals are presented as a free service to the environmental community. Our web sites are the largest and most used environmental portals on the Internet, regularly contributing to significant conservation victories. And we rely entirely upon our site users for base funding. As a 501c3 registered non-profit organization, donations made to Ecological Internet are tax-deductible. You can make one-time or recurring donations on-line using a credit card (Visa and MasterCard), or mail a check. Would you please join our list of supporters?

Options for Making a Donation to EcoEarth.Info


You may donate to Ecological Internet using a credit card through the PayPal or Google Checkout payment systems. Please use the secure form below to make an on-line donation that is fast and secure. Using either the Google or Paypal section (if no preference use Google which has no processing fees), select which site if any to which you wish to target your donation, and the amount you wish to donate (if desired you can enter a different amount later). Then click on the "Donate" button, after which you will go to either PayPal's or Google's safe and secure web site to enter your personal information. Note, we are pleased to send a personalized acknowledgement of donations made as gifts -- just send us an email letting us know the recipient.

Donate Using PayPal

Which Site

One Time Amount
* Note that while a PayPal account can be used to donate -- it is NOT required -- you can use just a credit card.

Donate Using Google Checkout

Which Site

One Time Amount
* Note a Google account is required to donate with a credit card and can quickly be setup during checkout. If you do not have a preference, please use Google as they are waiving payment processing fees until 2009.


You can setup regular repeat donations to Ecological Internet (sometimes called a tithe) using a credit card or PayPal account that will occur automatically and you can cancel whenever you like. Such recurrent payments are important for a stable, regular cash flow. Below you can set up a tithe of the amount you choose and frequency you desire. Select which site you wish to support, the regular donation amount, and frequency and number of payments, and then click on the "PayPal Subscribe" button. Please contact us to setup a recurring donation of other amounts or on a different schedule. A PayPal account is NOT required to make a recurring donation - just a credit card.

Which Site  
Recurring Amount
Frequency ** time between payments
How Long ** number of payments


If you wish to donate by sending a check, please make check out to "Ecological Internet, Inc." Please note in the memo the project you wish to target your support towards (if any), and include your email address so we can easily acknowledge your gift. Your check should be sent to the following address:

Dr. Glen Barry
Ecological Internet, Inc.
PO Box 9704
Seattle, WA 98109

Please contact Ecological Internet for our bank details to send a wire transfer. Should you desire to make a donation using your credit card manually, please contact us for our telephone/fax number to send us your credit card details.

Donations Are Tax-Deductible

The IRS recognizes Ecological Internet, Inc. as a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly gifts, contributions and grants of cash may be tax deductible under U.S. federal or state law. Contact Ecological Internet with any questions or concerns.

Ecological Internet's Wish List

In addition to monetary donations, there are many items that would be very useful to our efforts on behalf of the Earth if donated in kind or purchased for us. Major needs include:
Staffing - we desperately need to find donated graphic design and fund-raiser/accountant services to join our small but highly dedicated staff.
Server Hosting/Band-Width - we pay for our server's connection to the Internet, and would be interested in donation of server co-location services.
Volunteer Stipends - we need funding or donation of time to carry out repetitive website maintenance tasks.
Other - advertising, ecology and computer books, gardening tools, solar panels, graphic designers, office furniture, photo copier, staff health insurance... we need your help!

Making Other Payments

Payments may also be made here for site sponsorships of our environment portals - which provides for a link to your site or banner on the supporters page as acknowledgement - and for licensing of our newsfeeds. Ecological Internet also offers web consulting services specializing in the use of the Internet for environmental conservation.

Privacy Statement: Your contact information will not be released to any other parties and will only be used by Ecological Internet to acknowledge your gift - here is more information on our commitment to privacy.