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November 5, 2007

Please Support Ecological Internet as a Truthful, Effective Voice for the Earth

Donate to Ecological InternetEARTH APPEAL 2007 YEAR-END FUND-RAISER This is no time to let up on EI's successful biocentric information campaigns, knowledge tools & commentary for climate and rainforest action -- Donate now!
Ecological Internet is THE leading global, hard-hitting activist network providing information retrieval tools and action opportunities that achieve environmental protection outcomes. Together our network, of which you are a vital part, has achieved stunning success in 2007 -- from Uganda to Guyana, Brazil to the Congo -- the world's rainforests are a bit safer because we exist. Few have done more to raise awareness regarding global heating. These efforts have depended for years upon the reliable generosity of network recipients for funding. It is time to once again ask Earth lovers to help us out.

Please make your tax-deductible gift to benefit the Earth now -- perhaps $100 or what you can afford. Ecological Internet's continued existence depends upon raising $75,000 by the end of the year. Information on securely and easily donating with a credit card and by check can be found there. We particularly desire recurrent donations, or tithes, which provide for a constant cash flow. Please give sooner, rather than later, as the first $10,000 in donations are being matched one to one; and once you have given, you will not be asked again this year.

Ecological Internet is committed to speaking ecological truth; urgently, emotionally and effectively, in order to achieve conservation success. Together we have played an important role in establishing the urgency of global ecological crises and espousing and achieving rigorous, adequate responses. Ecological Internet has provided critical global leadership highlighting the role ancient rainforest loss and diminishment plays in climate change. Few have our vision and commitment to campaign for an end to ancient forest logging and coal emissions.

The Earth needs and deserves a radical voice for green change -- responsible, science based environmentalism, advocating bright green policies sufficient to achieve global ecological sustainability. This is what Ecological Internet does. Dedication sets us apart. Action sets us apart. Radical ecological insight sets us apart. And the financial support of our network at sets us apart, making it all possible.

We must reach our $75K goal for computers, bandwidth and modest staffing by the end of the year, and will be issuing periodic reminders until we do so. Please gift the Earth now -- Gaia, Ecological Internet and you will be glad you did!

Dr. Glen Barry
Ecological Internet, Inc.
P.O. Box 433
Denmark, WI 54208
[email protected]
+1 920 776 1075 phone

Ecological Internet's projects include:
EcoEarth.Info -- http://www.EcoEarth.Info/
Climate Ark -- --
Water Conserve --
Rainforest Portal --
Ocean Conserve --
My.EcoEarth.Info --

Dr. Glen Barry's personal "Earth Meanders" essays can be found at:


The very nature of the human being is greed some are worse then others. This mind set has to be broken, but until that time has come things will not get any better. If radicle changes are not implamented soon, we may even be on the verge of an ice-age. Governments all over the globe should be very concerned, they are not exempt from extinction. My personal opinion is they are to interested in their precious economies to care or their think it is a joke and that they will manage somehow. This kind of thinking is complete Foolishness, once enough fresh-water enters the North Atlantic changing the salinity of the ocean this may cause major changes.

R. Dean --- According to orbital forcing theory, which does well in explaining past stades (massive ice sheets), there is no chance of a stade for anothr 20,000 years, and not much of one then. However, assuming we properly solve our global warming problem, there is a good chance of a stade 50,000 years from now.

Recently discovered is an invasive type of South American earthworm (P. corethrurus). The earthworms and other plant decomposition alone creates 10 times more CO2 (60 Billion metric tons) than all the burning of fossil fuels combined…….. maybe we should just ban forests and send the earthworms to the moon instead. ( National Geographic Adventure Travel Nov. 2007)
Why are we blaming humans?
Get real!!

right, so you edit out any facts that dont agree with you r theories and agenda?

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