Ecological Internet Committed to Biocentric Solutions
There is a whole Earth full of reasons for you to make a gift to Ecological Internet now. In a couple hundred years human populations have increased nearly seven fold and their resource use has led to wealth for some, while destroying the Earth and her ecosystems, which provide habitat for all. Any one of the crises of scarce water, dead oceans, chaotic atmosphere, degraded forests, disappearing species and incipient toxics could lead to more mass extinction and even the fall of civilization. Together they almost certainly will.
The root cause of this global ecological crisis is societies extracting too much natural capital while destroying global ecosystems, in combination with over-population and inequitable consumption. The biosphere, the very foundation of being, is failing; leading to growing extreme economic and biological poverty. Nothing can be done for the Earth and humanity's future unless these massive catastrophes are fully recognized and adequately addressed.
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New Earth Rising 2008
Support Ecological Internet in Our Fight to Defend the Earth
Please Donate Now
Dear colleagues,
Ecological Internet (EI) is launching our 2008 mid-year fund-raiser during which we must raise $70,000 to remain in operation. Please make your tax-deductible donation now at Doing so now is best as the first $15,000 in donations will be doubled by a matching grant, and once you have donated, we promise not to bother you again during this fund-raiser. Every May and November we launch a six week donation campaign that meets most of our modest costs for computers, bandwidth and salaries. Tax-deductible gifts and tithes can be made with credit cards and by mail. EI depends upon YOU and others that love the Earth to continue to succeed.
The Earth system and all life are under threat as never before -- forest decimation, climate change, water scarcity and ocean decline are some of the threats destroying our planet. Non-profit Ecological Internet specializes in the use of the Internet to defend the Earth from these threats. EI's mission is to empower the global movement for environmental sustainability by providing information retrieval tools, portal services, analysis that aid in the conservation of global ecosystems.
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Ecological Internet Surges with Two Decisive Victories
Follows science showing right on biofuels and natural ecosytems, and recent news of three preliminary victories
Press Release by Ecological Internet
Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, [email protected], +1 920 776 1075
(Earth) - Ecological Internet's Earth Action Network reports two stunning victories in campaigns to promote global ecological sustainability. Colombia's Constitutional Court has declared their Forestry Bill unenforceable [original alert] because it treats forests only as wood, and indigenous and black peoples that have protected forests for decades were not consulted [1]. And French President Sarkozy has announced gold mining activity by a Canadian company in French Guiana's rainforests [original alert] been permanently cancelled [2]. We had earlier reported progress on these measures.
These decisive victories come as Ecological Internet (EI) has recently reported important initial success in helping to freeze oil palm development in Woodlark, Papua New Guinea; ending rainforest timber use for park benches in NYC; and keeping ancient timbers out of Ocean City, New Jersey's boardwalks and in rainforest canopies [3]. Efforts continue to finalize and expand these recent initial strategic victories. Ecological Internet's ecological science based environmental advocacy continues to prove itself time and time again.
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Australia's Kyoto Ratification Thrills the World
By Climate Ark and Ecological Internet, Inc.
Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, [email protected]
Australia ratified the Kyoto Protocol [search] on climate change this week, receiving a deserved standing ovation from Bali climate conference delegates. Ratification resulted from the election of a new Prime Minister. Ecological Internet's global network helped a bit, campaigning on many occasions over the past decade for Australia to ratify Kyoto, rejoining responsible nations.
"Australia's embrace of Kyoto shows environmental campaigning should focus not only upon what is easy, but rather take principled long-term positions regarding what is necessary to achieve global ecological sustainability. If Australia can ratify Kyoto, certainly pigs can fly; and coal emissions and ancient forest logging ended", notes Dr. Glen Barry.
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"Global Grassroots Environmental Activism" Internet Site Launches
Ecological Internet's new "My.EcoEarth.Info" environmental campaign social networking site and advanced search capabilities give local conservation efforts the global edge for victory at
By Ecological Internet, Inc. &
January 29, 2006
Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, +1 (920) 776-1075, [email protected]
(Wisconsin) - Ecological Internet, providers of the Internet's leading environmental search portals, is pleased to announce a new "My.EcoEarth.Info" site which weds social networking technologies with their existing voluminous climate, forest, water and environment data holdings and tools. And Ecological Internet's unmatched environmental search engines now search not only the Internet; but recent news and reviewed site links through one interface as well. There is nothing quite like this suite of Internet technology use for the environment on the web.
"The Internet enables a new type of grassroots environmental activism that will prove crucial to successful, sufficient efforts to stop climate change, end ancient forest logging and achieve global ecological sustainability. Along with our constant environmental action alert issuance, news and link tracking, and biocentric blog commentary; these new social networking and search capabilities enable small groups of people to research, organize, protest and agitate to save their special neck of the woods," explains Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet's President. "If government won't lead, the netroots will."
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Ecological Internet's "Sustainability Solutions Initiative" Launches
Ecological Internet's "Sustainability Solutions Initiative" Launches
New On-line Eco-Think Tank to develop and disseminate information and policy proposals in regard to Global Ecological Sustainability Solutions
September 11, 2006
(Madison, WI) - Ecological Internet, Inc. today announced their new online environmental sustainability think tank. "Sustainability Solutions Initiative" will facilitate global discussion upon the policies necessary and adequate to achieve global ecological sustainability - where humanity can live well and equitably upon the Earth's natural capital for as long as possible.
Ecological Internet, Inc. is more known for its unique, comprehensive and much used environmental portals and search engines including such notables as Climate Ark at and EcoEarth.Info at its name's URL (full list below). It is hoped that the new policy development effort can benefit from these existing distribution channels - used by tens of thousands of people a day.
As Dr. Barry, the President of Ecological Internet, explains "the heart of the global ecological crisis is that too many people are consuming too much and their developments have severely diminished natural ecosystems. There is little hope of the Earth and humanity regaining a state of balance absent a major surge in ecological based policies in virtually every human realm and/or a major human population collapse."
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Ecological Internet 2.0 Launches on Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day with New and Improved Climate, Environment and Water Portals
From Ecological Internet, Inc.
Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, [email protected], +1 (920) 776-1075
Denmark, Wisconsin, USA - The world's leading environmental web portals have undergone a major renovation that is being unveiled today as the United States celebrates Earth Day. Ecological Internet's long-established and popular climate, water and environment portals now feature new modern "version 2.0" graphic interfaces and updated search engine capabilities.
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NEW! All Link Collections Now RSS/XML Enabled
All of Ecological Internet's environmental web portal now have link collections that feature the ability to download and/or view a given category's listings in RSS/XML format. Here is an example of the ClimateArk's Global Warming category - note the "View as RSS/XML" option on the dark horizontal menu bar on the top of the page. Users will now be able to download links on a given topic for their later use.
A RSS feed is generally not read in a web browser like a web page. Rather a special piece of software called a "News Aggregator" is used, allowing multiple RSS feeds to be integrated in an easy fashion. Aggregators are widely available for download on the Internet. Here is more information on Ecological Internet's News Syndication Services. With this new offering, Ecological Internet again demonstrates its commitment to pioneering new environmental information distribution mechanisms on the Internet.
"Eco Earth" Environmental Sustainability Portal Relaunch
"Eco Earth" Environmental Sustainability Portal Relaunch
Ecological Internet Continues to Improve Offerings and Ways to Support Efforts
September 19, 2005
Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, +1 920 776 1075, [email protected]
Denmark, Wisconsin: Ecological Internet is proud to announce "Eco Earth", their new and expanded environmental sustainability portal at http://www.EcoEarth.Info/ . Eco Earth is the new name of Ecological Internet's long established "Eco-Portal" web site which previously resided at .
Eco Earth's new name, shorter URL and updated capabilities should allow the site to better provide an information gateway that further empowers the movement for environmental sustainability. Users and sites that linked to the Eco-Portal are asked to update their links accordingly.
"It was time to find a URL that was shorter and more memorable - and EcoEarth.Info should do this nicely," explains Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet's President. As part of the site's relaunch, Ecological Internet has also increased how frequently the site's news and commentary are updated. Improvements are particularly evident on the "Earth News" newsfeed at: and the "Earth Blog" at .
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