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EcoEarth.Info's Expired "Earth Action Network Alerts"

Biofuel from Corn Ethanol Is Not Renewable, Does Not Address Climate Change
Let California Air Resources Board know all industrially produced biofuel crops from live biomass, edible or not, still require land, soil, water, fertilizer and other finite inputs. It is clear that industrial biofuels are not "renewable energy" given that these inputs are all in limited supply, and indirect land uses lead to destruction of soil and forest carbon sinks elsewhere.

Tell Leading Climate Scientists, Industrialists and Negotiators to Stop Promoting Industrial Scale Biochar
Please protest proposals for large scale use of charcoal in soils for climate change mitigation, and against their inclusion into carbon markets. Biochar, along with agrofuels, will result in devastating expansion of industrial agriculture which threatens people, climate and ecosystems.

Call on U.S. Government to Halt Ecologically Misguided Support for Large Scale Biofuel
Fuel from food and already overstressed terrestrial ecosystems is immoral and unsustainable. The Obama administration must start by rejecting the proposal to increase the corn ethanol fuel blend limit from 10-15%.

Coal Kills -- Time for People Power to Protect the Climate
The use of coal must end if we are to maintain an operable atmosphere, human civilization and all the Earth's complex life

Urge President Obama to Say No to Canada's Filthy Tar Sands
The Canadian government wants special treatment for the world's dirtiest oil. President Obama must stand strong on clean energy and sufficient climate policies.

Support Finnish NGOs in Their Fight for Lapland's Ancient Forests
Protest Finnish timber giant Stora Enso and the government profiting from destroying Finland's last ancient forests. Let them know Finland and the World's old-growth must be protected and restored to sustain the Earth's biosphere and ecosystem processes including climate, water and biodiversity.

Stop Rogue German Ship from Fertilizing Southern Ocean in Dangerous Geo-Engineering Experiment
Many seek to "geo-engineer" a global solution to climate change; that is, modify the Earth's biosphere at a planetary scale. Is humanity so resistant to change that we will seek to construct a "Frankensphere", with dramatic unknown consequences, rather than reducing emissions, consumption and population?

Bolivia’s Amazon Riches to Be Plundered for Oil
President Morales must be encouraged to live up to his grand rhetoric, and end his government's hurried measures to decimate massive indigenous rainforest protected areas and their biodiversity and climate values, in a manner eerily reminiscent of the capitalistic system against which he rallies

Climate Talks Falter as Italy and Poland Play Politics with Global Climate's Future
Their unwillingness at climate talks to bear the costs of reducing carbon, and ending their addiction to coal, will destroy the atmosphere, biosphere and all our futures

Stop Bush's Midnight Raid Upon Oregon's Wild Forests and Rivers
Like his Presidency, it is time for President Bush's looting, plundering, and pillaging of America’s natural beauty, ecological treasures and vital ecosystems to end

Join Local Peoples in Resisting Paraguay's Devastation by Genetically Modified Soya Monocultures
Deforestation, eviction, drought and murder are too high of price to pay for toxic soybeans -- and Paraguay's new government knows better and must stop the destruction

Tell World Leaders Urgent Climate Change Action Cannot Wait for a Return to Economic Growth
Climate change and the bad economy are both symptoms of the same growth-based "ecological bubble". Tell governments to urgently address climate change despite the economic downturn, as both Wall Street and Main Street must realize that without ecosystems there can be no economy

As Rainforest Action Network Prepares to "Revel", What Has Become of Their Old Growth Forest Campaign?
There is no chance of achieving global ancient forest protection, climate stabilization and ecological sustainability until RAN and other ancient forest logging apologists follow Friends of the Earth in withdrawing from the Forest Stewardship Council and uniting to work to end ancient forest logging

Final Push Needed to Stop Australia's Ancient Forest Pulp Mill
Gunns of Australia's controversial plans to build a huge pulp mill to make disposable consumer items largely from clearfelling ancients forests is close to failing, let us together make a final decisive push to warn off potential investors and environmental approvals and achieve its permanent withdrawal

Fund Ecuador to Keep Oil Underground and Rainforests Standing for Our Shared Climate
It is time for the international community led by Europe to step up and finance large-scale Amazon rainforest preservation to protect the Earth's atmosphere, biodiversity, and life-giving ecosystems; while helping meet needs for national advancement

Clayoquot Sound, Canada's Ancient Temperate Rainforest Valleys to Again Fall to Logging
These ancient forests must be fully protected and all industrial development ended to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem health, focusing upon employment from standing trees and fully intact ecosystems, and failure to do will lead to a renewed "War of the Woods" and global anti-B.C. markets campaign

Biofuels to Turn Kenya's Rich Tana Delta Wetlands into Ecological Wasteland
Let the Kenyan government know destroying ecosystems for toxic sugar monocultures is unethical, and ask them to please follow their own environmental laws, and permanently cancel the project

Dear Al Gore, We Need the Full Truth Regarding Actions Sufficient to Avert Catastrophic Climate Change
Encourage Mr. Gore to tell the full truth regarding the magnitude of actions required for climate change solutions, including advocating for an end to coal and ancient forest logging, and personal sacrifice including reduced consumption

Brazil's Xingu River Dam to Damn Amazonian Rainforests and Peoples
The wild and free Xingu River is critical to maintaining intact the Amazon, its peoples and the Earth we share

Unilever Threatens Côte d'Ivoire's Primary Rainforests, Showing Promises of "Sustainable" Palm Oil Meaningless
Leading global consumer products company poised to destroy Ivory Coast's rainforests as both investor and customer, pushing three primates to extinction, just after its future commitment to rainforest protection and certified oil palm in 2015 was much heralded by some

Cambodian Cardamom Mountain Wilderness to Be Dammed
Dam construction must not damn opportunity for protection of one of Asia's last intact, fully functional natural ecosystems

Agrofuels on Stolen Lands Continue to Threaten Colombian Rainforests and Communities
It is gravely unethical and ecologically devastating to expand production of biofuels by allowing land to be stolen from local Afro-Colombian communities; and at the expense of Colombia's ancient primary rainforests, food security, water resources and regional climate

Protest Home Depot's Complicity in Destruction of Patagonian Wilderness by Proposed Chilean Dams
Patagonia's wild rivers to be dammed, destroying ancient temperate forests, for 50 years of electricity; please let supposedly environmentally responsible Home Depot know they should not be doing business with the project's primary Chilean advocate

Protest Australia's Continued Ancient Forest Logging in the Face of Abrupt Climate Change
Australia's new "climate friendly" government preaches global forest protection for climate benefits internationally, while continuing to industrially clear its own native primary forests in Tasmania and elsewhere, and this unseemly hypocrisy must end

South Korea's Proposed "Grand Canal", to Link Major Rivers, a Grand Ecological Disaster
South Korea must be convinced not to sacrifice its natural river ecosystems for a cross-country concrete canal that will severely damage the nation's water security

Stop the Forest Liars: "Certified" Old-Growth Rainforest Logging Does NOT Protect Biodiversity, Ecosystems or Climate
Outrageous support by big environmental groups for first-time industrial logging of primary and old-growth rainforest wildernesses based upon vague claims that FSC certification makes it sustainable, well-managed and now even "carbon positive" is a big lie and must end

Global Ecological Emergency: Brazil Must Succeed in Keeping Soybeans Out of Amazon
Only soy products that do not directly or indirectly destroy ancient rainforests, or intensify climate change and other problems inherent with large-scale industrial monocultures, will be tolerated in international markets

Just Say No to Oil Shale, Leave the Carbon in the Ground
Oil shale production in Western U.S. with Department of Energy subsidies will prolong dependence upon filthy fossil fuels while destroying the climate, water and land

Save Bialowieza Forest, Europe's Last Primeval Temperate Forest
Ask the Polish government to stop exploitation of the ancient Bialowieza forest, preserve the whole complex as a national park, and end permanently extensive logging that threatens Europe's last remnant old-growth northern temperate forests

Papua New Guinea's Woodlark Island Rainforests to Be Cleared for Oil Palm Agrofuels
The PNG government continues to approve rainforest destruction and diminishment even as they vocally seek to be paid with carbon market funds for their "protection"

Mayor Bloomberg: We Love New York, But Hate Your Government's Rainforest Destruction!
New York City is one of the biggest consumers of ancient rainforest timbers; and their use of tropical hardwoods must end to protect global climate, ecosystems and biodiversity

Protest Failed World Bank Congo Rainforest Policy and Proposed Ill-Conceived Forest Carbon Payments
Given revelations of misconduct in Democratic Republic of Congo's rainforests by the World Bank, their desire to administer global carbon payments for rainforest protection as a means to address climate change is suspect

Another Sell-Out of British Columbia's Ancient Temperate Rainforests Possible
Rare mountain caribou threatened by further closed door, secret forest negotiations; survival depends habitat protection across their full range including ending logging of their ancient temperate rainforest habitat

Climate Protection Payments Must Avoid Deforestation of Ancient Rainforests AND Their Industrial Diminishment
Selective logging diminishes primary and old-growth forests' carbon stores, ecosystems, and biodiversity; and has no place in proposed carbon market payments for rainforest and climate protection

Jet-Setting Leonardo DiCaprio the Convenient Environmentalist
Growth in aviation threatens the Planet, celebrities flying in private jets are no friend to the environment, and shared climate sacrifice means the super-rich must swear off jet-setting ways

Stop Ocean City, New Jersey from Using Ancient Rainforest Timbers for Boardwalk Decking
An important precedent must be set that industrial logging of ancient forests, even if FSC "certified", must end

Please Tell the EU: Don't Sacrifice Birds and Ecosystems for Biofuel Expansion
There are limits to agricultural intensification that if surpassed threaten European wildlife and terrestrial ecosystem sustainability

FSC and Big Green "Certified" Ancient Forest Logging Tragedy Worsens
Support for "certified" ancient rainforest logging crumbles further due to string of inappropriate and illegal certifications, most recently in Peru; and as Norway rejects FSC and all primary rainforest logging certification schemes

Protect Uganda's Mabira Rainforest Preserve from Sugar Production for Biofuel
Let the Ugandan government know rainforests and their ecological services including water, climate and biodiversity are more important than sugar which can be grown elsewhere

Greenpeace, Come Clean and Stop Supporting Ancient Rainforest Logging
There is no such thing as certified, sustainable logging of primary forests. Tell Greenpeace to release their suppressed report on industrial certified forestry, and to resign the chair and withdraw from the Forest Stewardship Council

New Strengthened Post-Kyoto Agreement Must Be Fast Tracked Now
Given the science and evident abrupt climate changes, Kyoto successor agreement must be negotiated now that emphasizes mandatory emissions reductions for all major industrial economies

Myth of "Certified, Sustainable Ancient Forest Logging" Threatens the World's Rainforests and Climate
Tell the World Bank, WWF and Greenpeace to stop aiding and abetting failed "sustainable" and "certified" forest management for the Congo Basin and elsewhere, and instead commit to End Ancient Rainforest Logging

Stop Malaysian Samling Group - Global Leaders in Rainforest Destruction
Destroyer of ancient rainforests and indigenous livelihoods from Malaysia to Guyana now a publicly listed company that along with its financiers is facing renewed international protest

Indonesia's Biofuel Expansion on Rainforest Peatlands to Accelerate Climate Change
Let the President know the world expects Indonesia to keep the Environment Minister's promise to tackle the root causes of rainforest fires and peatland drainage

End Clearcut Logging of Ancient Old-Growth Forest Wilderness in Northern Finland
Let the Finnish government know that the age of ancient forest logging is over; that these forests are needed for climate buffering, biodiversity protection, forest restoration seed stock and are vital to achieving global ecological sustainability

Brazil Approves Deforestation of Important Amazon Reserve
The strength and permanence of protected status for ancient rainforests under Brazilian law is at stake

Europe Must End Their "Deforestation Biofuel" Energy Policy
Industrial biofuels threaten Rainforests and European land sustainability

U.S. Supreme Court Must Rule for Carbon Regulation
With a decade to avert global warming catastrophe, let the U.S. Supreme Court know carbon dioxide is clearly by both science and law a pollutant, causing climate change mayhem, and as such must be regulated - even if it means, given lack of political leadership, "legislating from the bench"

Continue to Oppose Oil Production in Ecuador's Yasuni and Other National Parks
All of Ecuador's protected areas including all of Yasua must be strictly protected from oil and logging

Severe Australian Drought Caused by Climate Change, Leave Your Coal in the Ground!
Dramatic efforts required with coal and forests to ensure Australia's well-being and planetary survival

An Appeal for South India's Wild Elephants
Their survival in isolated fragments depends upon maintaining and establishing corridors between large habitats and protection from human encroachment

Say No to Industrial Mining in French Guiana's Ancient Rainforests
Protected areas, water resources and indigenous peoples will all be devastated if French Government grants environmental approvals - decision on environmental license for industrial open-air gold mining in the primary
rainforests of French Guiana expected soon!

Stop ANZ Bank Funding of Illegal Logging in Papua New Guinea
Insist leading Australian/New Zealand bank stop financing destruction of PNG's ancient rainforests by Malaysian loggers

Penan Logging Blockade Maintained, Malaysia Must Implement Permanent Protections
Insist Malaysian authorities respect native customary land rights and boundaries of Penan's last remaining ancestral rainforest reserves

Water More Precious than Gold, Stop Chile's Pascua Lama Gold Mine
Canadian-based Barrick Gold plans to soon launch a glacier gold mine that will taint pristine valley with cyanide, destroy regional water supplies and devastate local sustainable agricultural practices

Bush Climate Plea: Confront "An Inconvenient Truth", Lead on Global Warming
President Bush has shown throughout his Presidency little inclination to
address looming climate change, yet the science is clear, and the Earth cannot wait for new U.S. leadership

Support Petition to Save Malaysia's Belum-Temengor Rainforests
Proposed National Park "Richest of the Rich" in Terms of Biodiversity and Ecosystems, Threatened by Logging

Chinese Olympic Committee Must Independently Prove Olympic Torch Not Burning World's Rainforests
Beijing Olympics 2008: Destroying Papua's Ancient Rainforests to Raise the Olympic Torch

Protest World Bank Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuel Funding
Call upon Bank board to prevent climate mayhem by halting subsidies for deadly fossil fuel projects while greatly increasing renewable energy and efficiency funding

Save Russia's Lake Baikal: Oil Pipeline Threatens World's Largest Freshwater Body
Let Russian government know oil and water do not mix, must ensure pipeline steers clear of Lake Baikal watershed

Massive Gas Pipeline to Pierce the Amazon
Project will devastate South America's rainforests, water and climate

Panama Power Line Plan to Destroy Darien Gap Rainforest
Short sighted energy policy threatens regional ecosystem, security and indigenous rights

World Bank Must Not Fund Rainforest Destruction in the Congo
Industrial logging of ancient primary forests is ecologically and socially indefensible

Stop Colombia's Ancient Rainforest Give Away
Insist Colombian government not change forestry laws to follow failed industrial rainforest harvesting model

Tell Greenpeace, WWF and Friends to Stop Promoting Old-Growth Logging
Mainstream groups participate in Canadian plan which condemns most of British Columbia's Great Bear temperate rainforest to industrial logging

Climate Conundrum as Biofuel Threatens Rainforests
Europe's rush to oil palm and soya biomass as source of renewable energy misguided and unsustainable

Exxon Mobil/Esso's Business Plan Destroying the Earth's Climate
Send a protest email supporting the boycott of the largest, most profitable, and most ecologically damaging oil company

Prime Kiwi Habitat to Be Destroyed by Coal Mine
New Zealand Government Fails to Protect Endangered National Bird

Peru's Isolated Indigenous Peoples Gravely Threatened
Please Help Protect Peru's Isolated Indigenous Peoples and Their Habitats
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